About Me
Bios - Steven Allen - The Resurgence

Age: 18, Male
Race: Human
School: GDCI
Height: 5'11"
Wieght: 150lbs
Description: Steve has black hair and blue/green eyes, and usually dresses in dark colours. Upon this he is handsome, but nothing special looking.
Armor: At this point, none
Majick: At this point, none

Steve has varied interests, and many of what could be called hobbies. He is interested in computers in general, reading, theatre, lighting and sound, music and games. His hobbies range from webdesign to pretty much anything else.

History: (Kind of secular writing in here, but oh well)
Steve had never met his father, and his mother never actually got married, she was engaged at one time to the father. Throughout the first 8 years of school, he was picked on, keeping only a few close friends at a time. In grade 1, he was hit by a car that passed through a red-light, and even after serious head-trauma, he persevered. Later, about grade 5, he discovered the alternate worlds that a computer could provide, and started to learn more and more about them. At this time, he discovered how fast he could pick things up, learning many things about computers. In his first year of highschool, Steve discovered his new passion, Theatre. His drama teacher is a kind, enthusiastic, wacky man, Mr.Armour. Armour has introduced Steve to everything from literary classics, to stage fighting, and tech-theatre basics. Steve has been involved with every dramatic production he could be since that time. And became the Technical Director for GDCI halfway through his grade 10 year (no-one else could do it), and he quickly became well versed in everything needed to do the job. Steve officially met Sylvia Falcon in grade 11, during Romeo and Juilette, and it was the best thing that ever happened to him, especially when he found his mother dead just a few months prior to it. Steve is now in Grade 12.

Steve is seen as being very conservative by his classmates. He is extremely nice, even to people he cannot stand, and only pushes people to do what he wants when it is required. Steve gets extremely offensive at anyone who directs a "your momma joke" towards him [i](because of having found his mother dead)[/i]. Steve often places a facade over himself as a defensive mechanism.

As priorley mentioned, Steve is dating Sylvia Falcon, and they have found a true connection having being dating for just over a year now. They do anything they can together.

Skills:(See "The Resurgence - Skills")
)) Photography
)) Fencing 2, Swordplay 1, Advanced swordplay 1

At end of the 'opening story'
)) Fire 1